🌍 Today is International Albinism Awareness Day 🌍 . . Head over to Vogue (link below) to read @gugumbatharaw story ‘Uncovering The Lives Of The Refugees Inside Uganda’s Rwamwanja Settlement’ . . . UNHCR @refugees 📸: @carolineirby . . #InternationalAlbinismAwarenessDay #GuguMbathaRaw #PublicEyeTalent #Actor #Albino #UNHCR . . https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/albinism-awareness

13 June 2019 by  

🌍 Today is International Albinism Awareness Day 🌍 .
Head over to Vogue (link below) to read @gugumbatharaw story ‘Uncovering The Lives Of The Refugees Inside Uganda’s Rwamwanja Settlement’ .
UNHCR @refugees 📸: @carolineirby .